For the deletion of your posts or deletion of your account please contact us by e-mail at info@agria(dot)de. For data protection reasons we reserve the right to remove/black out personal data such as names of employees.
With the help of a so-called wildcard you can look for several search words, which have the same word beginning. If you search e.g. for "Typo*", the search will find everything that begins with "Typo" : Typo3, Typoscript, Typocode, Typo3user... etc.
Negative search
If you do not want to find certain expressions in your search result, you can cause this with placing a hyphen in front. Terms containing this phrase are excluded from the search result.
Search for user
It is possible to limit the search result on answers of certain users. In addition to the retrieval query attach still another "user:username" and find the results, which were written by this certain user. If the username could not be found this will be ignored.