Combined equipment sweepers agria 7100 comfort

Combined equipment sweepers agria 7100 Cleanstar premium without brushes

The universal sweeper with excellent winter performances.

practice hints
The agria moss brushes are made of a very stiff and very abrasion-resistant polyamidevery. A very high lifetime and very low absorption of moisture is achieved due to this special material. Equipped with 3 mm bristles moss and little weed can be effectively removed on paving stones. Within a few minutes the moss brushes can be replaces by other brushes.
The fine brushes are ideal for sweeping dirt and dust. Twelve rows of bristles pick up also fine materials and leave a clean working result. The spiral arrangement of the bristles ensures a smooth running and a high transport effect in one direction.
The rough brushes are ideal for sweeping dirt and snow. Compared to the fine brush, the rough brush has less, but stronger rows of bristles, what results a higher centrifugal effect. That’s why surfaces can be freed even from denser dirt and snow covers.

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implements for the following applications:
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Grounds care

A snow plough can be used in order to remove snow depths from paths and surfaces which cannot be handled anymore with a sweeping roll. The use of front and wheel weights makes considerably easier the snow removal.

article number article weight
Snow dozer
Snow dozer

blade width 100 cm


13.5 kg


0 kg